New 9mobile cheat: get 2gb daily for a month - PHAWAZZZY'S BLOG

Wednesday, September 13

New 9mobile cheat: get 2gb daily for a month

9mobile Website, Logo & Mobile App Download Guide ...
Good morning guys,I bring you a very affordable cheat on 9mobile,this cheat will replace the 9mobile night plan and the 9mobile Unlimited browsing some people are using because this one gives you free 2gb daily which is 60gb monthly which can't be achieved with 2hrs Unlimited browsing.

9mobile cheat cracked by kamogtechs

The only disappointment of this cheat is that it only works between 1am-5am, which means a lot of people won't like to do it. But for those who are still willing to do it lets take a look at the requirements and how to set it up.

✓ 9Mobile sim
✓ ₦500 airtime or above
✓ Android phone
✓ Anonytun Vpn

1. Make sure you are on easy clique(if you are not you can migrate by dialling *200*2*2#) then select option 1 to change to more clique
2. Then dial *545*3*1#(for 100% data bonus)
3. Make sure you have ₦500 or above on your sim then dial *200*3*1*3*1# to subscribe for monthly plan

1. Download Anonytun Vpn  HERE
2. Install and lauch the app
3. Click on stealth settings
4. Toggle stealth tunnel on
5. Then set it as follows
♦ Connecting protocol: Http
♦ Connection port: 8080
6. Turn on custom TCP/http headers
7. Click on edit custom TCP/HTTP Headers
8. Then input the following settings
♦ URL/host:
♦ Request method: connect
♦ Injection method: Normal
9. Then tick user agent
10. Click on generate then save

Then wait till 1am-5am,Launch the already configured app and enjoy your 2gb.
If you have problem using it let me know via your comments below for assistance.

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