Nicki Minaj shades ex Meek Mill after JAY-Z dropped his latest album, Meek responds with a hotter shade...(read more) - PHAWAZZZY'S BLOG

Sunday, July 2

Nicki Minaj shades ex Meek Mill after JAY-Z dropped his latest album, Meek responds with a hotter shade...(read more)

Nicki Minaj, who dropped a shade for brothers whose girlfriends buy things for while referencing a line from Jay Z’s latest album, got a hotter shade from her ex-boyfriend who felt the post was for him.
Here’s what she wrote;
“Oh so u niggaz gon sit up here & act like #Wifey aint BEEN tell y’all 1. Don’t lose the baddest girl in the world. #EricBenet 2. Stop throwing money ya ass ain’t rlly got. 3. Stop posting them tired stacks on the gram 😂😂😂😂 oh but when Jay say it it’s #bible tho. Bad btchs unite!!!! We ain’t BEEN droppin jewels on these niggaz behind closed doors? 😩😂😭😭😭 tuh! 😅😛😘❣️ every girl is making one of these 3 faces at a nigga right now. 😭 womp womp #PrettyGang 💛 #FAX”
Then he responded without mentioning her name ....below is what he wrote

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